About Us

Just like us, when you imagined your future you pictured yourself as a parent busy on the school run, reading bedtime stories, pushing your little ones on swings, having play-dates with your friends and their kids and everything that family life entails. You saw the family your house would be filled with and you were so ready to start your journey.

It’s heart-breaking and painful. It’s hard for us to express that sadness. We don’t want pity, or to be seen as unfortunate. But we do want our stories to be heard, our lost children to be remembered and to find a community of people just like us.

All Our Apricots is the place.

What this space gives you:

  • A place to hear other peoples’ stories. Stories similar to your own. 
  • A place for all to share their experiences, their thoughts and their feelings around childlessness or child loss. 
  • A Garden of Remembrance to honour your lost little ones.
  • All Our Apricots Facebook Group is an active development space just for those who are childless. You’ll find webinars, programmes, support and resources to get you to the brighter future you deserve.

The story behind All Our Apricots

Our name comes from a variety of elements and is significant on various levels in terms of child loss. The original inspiration for the name All our Apricots came from a close friend who found out that she had lost her baby at her 12-week scan. Up until then, she had been closely following how big her baby was at each week of pregnancy in terms of food items (poppy seed, jelly bean and so on). Although she found out she had lost her baby at the 12 week scan, she was also told that her baby had only made it to 10 weeks. She named her baby Apricot because that is the size babies are at 10 weeks gestation and that was the size her baby would always remain.

Fruit in general is used across the globe in reference to both fertility and infertility. As in the phrase ‘the fruit of your loins’ or the use of the pineapple symbol in IVF. 

The ancient Greeks mythologised apricots as “golden apples” found in the garden of the gods. Apricots also have a mention in Chinese culture where they are a symbol of education and medicine. Confucius allegedly taught under apricot trees to foster deeper understanding. Another lovely connection can be found in the story of a famed physician who refused to take money for his services and opted for an apricot tree instead, later known as “the master from an apricot grove”, a name the Chinese use sometimes for physicians in general.

Apricots are also symbols of happiness and plenty in many cultures and we hope that anyone who has experienced loss of a child and/or childlessness will eventually come to know a life of happiness and prosperity in other meaningful and purposeful way

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